Lilin Domba, is a trading brand of Kayu Tag Tag. As specialists in antique reclaimed timber and in keeping with our sustainable ethos, KTT feel it is important to use only natural finishing products. As opposed to harsh chemicals, they enhance and preserve the beauty of heritage wood.

The following guide will outline the many uses of this wonderful product provided by nature and includes a step-by-step guide to prepare and apply it; ensuring the preservation of your wood for future generations.

  • A seasoned timber & decking finish that highlights the natural timber grain
  • Penetrates, weatherproofs, U.V. protects and prolongs timber life
  • Prevents drying, wood rot & splitting
  • Does not evaporate or leach
  • Non-slip when wet
  • Prevents corrosion of metal fastenings & fittings
  • Biodegradable, Non-toxic, Non-carcinogenic
  • Environmentally Safe & User friendly


A special blend of lanolin and non-toxic, non-regulated, non-ozone depleting paraffinic carrier solvent(s).


Previously untreated timber must be treated against mold and/or fungus spores (use any broad spectrum agent) before applying Lanolin.

It is important that the timber is thoroughly clean and dry before applying Lanolin. Do not apply to ‘Green’ Timber. Allow timber to weather further before applying Lanolin. If the timber has turned grey due to weathering, sand the surface lightly before applying Lanolin. High levels of tannin and oily resins or high moisture content can lead to a poor finish of the coated surface.


For decking surfaces and other dressed timber, best results are achieved using a lamb’s wool applicator, although Lanolin can also be brushed or rolled.

Apply all coats evenly and sparingly, less is better when using Lanolin. Dry patches will need extra attention to achieve an even finish.The final coat for exposed or dressed timber surface requires polishing/buffing to remove residue, maximize the protective seal and highlight the timber’s natural grain.

As this is a penetrating liquid and not a surface finish, any excess will remain tacky and must be removed. This is easily accomplished with a terry toweling cloth and requires only light rubbing.

Lanolin is compatible with most solvent and oil based paints. We advise an adhesion test with an offcut or inconspicuous area first. Lanolin is NOT compatible with water based acrylic coatings.

For undressed, underside of external and structural timbers, apply preferably by spray and prior to construction.


Hardwoods New Approx. 10-15 m2 per litre [107-161 Ft2 per Quart]

Hardwoods Old Approx. 10 m2 per litre [107 Ft2 per Quart]

Softwoods New Approx. 10 m2 per litre [107 Ft2 per Quart]

Softwoods Old Approx. 8 m2 per litre [86 Ft2 per Quart]


Lanolin also provides general corrosion protection for automotive and electrical equipment, rejuvenates materials such as aluminium, vinyl, leather and plastic. It is Ideal for light industrial and household applications including as a moisture barrier for a vast majority of metals, electrical equipment, motors and pumps.